About UNT Foundation
The University of North Texas Foundation, Inc. was chartered by the State of Texas in July 1972 as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its incorporators and initial directors were all Regents of North Texas State University, and it was originally named the North Texas State University Educational Foundation, Inc.
The UNT Foundation is committed to fulfilling its responsibilities, ethically and with full accountability. The Board utilizes standing committees to accomplish its work, and approves all of the Foundation’s operating policies and practices.
The UNT Foundation portfolio is structured to provide a long-term level of inflation-adjusted returns within acceptable risk levels. The UNT Foundation's Board of Directors has a fiduciary obligation to manage the endowments consistent with applicable legal rules and industry practices.
Your gift counts. Your generous donations of time and money enable our students to pursue their educational dreams. Every gift made helps the University of North Texas advance toward new standards of excellence in teaching and research. Whether you give annually to support your college, establish a scholarship endowment, or make a bequest to the University, there is a giving opportunity and method to match every interest, at every level.